Loadsure UK Ltd, July 2021

EU Terms of Business

Terms of Use

By accessing and using this website you agree to observe and accept the following terms and conditions, as well as any other specific terms and conditions for content or functionality that may be provided on the website.

This website is owned and operated by Loadsure Europe a company registered in Belgium (company registration number 0799.799.642) registered address Avenue Herrmann Debroux 54 Auderghem 1160 Belgium.  These terms of use are issued on behalf of Loadsure Limited, a holding company registered in England and Wales, (Reg. No. 11703162), registered address 71 Queen Victoria Street, London, England, EC4V 4BE” for the companies in its group. companies.. When we mention ‘Loadsure Europe’, ‘us’, ‘we’, ‘our’ we mean the relevant company that processes the data within the Loadsure Limited. 

Website Information

We endeavour to make sure the information provided on our website is correct and up to date, you should not rely on any of the information on our website as advice or as a recommendation. All information is provided without any warranty of any kind, express or implied. We reserve the right to amend or withdraw the information on our website at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to check this page from time to time for any changes to this Terms of Use.

Use of our website

This website and any information contained on it may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other persons in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work without prior written permission from Loadsure Europe, nor may it in any way be exploited in whole or in part. For the avoidance of doubt, framing of this site or any part of it is not permitted without our express permission. You may not exploit, extract, screen scrape, publish, distribute, or reproduce any part of the websites and may not use bots or other electronic automations to interact with the website. You may not use this website to publish or transmit any unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material or any other material which could give rise to any civil or criminal liability in any territory.

Information you provide

We take your personal privacy seriously. You may provide information to us via this website, this information will be processed in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. Please ensure you read, understand and accept our Privacy & Cookie Policy as this set out our obligation and your rights in relation to your personal data. Privacy & Cookie Policy

Third party links

Our website may contain hyperlinks for information purposes and your convenience to third party sites which are out of our control. Loadsure Euopre does not endorse the content of these sites or the products, services or other items described thereon, or accept any responsibility for your access to or use of these sites. Pro makes no warranties, representations or undertakings about the content of any of these sites. It is your responsibility to ensure the validity, content and safety of any third-party websites, you should read the terms and conditions of those sites before you proceed. Your use of a third-party site may be governed by the terms and conditions of that third party’s site and is at your own risk. We do not accept any liability in respect of use of third-party websites.

Intellectual property

This website and any information contained on it may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any other persons in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work without prior written permission from Loadsure Europe, nor may it in any way be exploited in whole or in part. For the avoidance of doubt, framing of this site or any part of it is not permitted without our express permission.

All intellectual property rights (including without limitation all trade secrets, copyright, trademarks, service marks, designs, and patents) in the site and the contents, format and display of the website are owned by or licensed to Loadsure Europe unless stated otherwise on the website.

Trademarks of our clients or other identified third parties may be used on the website or in the content. Use by you of any trademark on the website or in the content is strictly prohibited unless you have our prior written permission.

Access to website

The website is normally available 24/7, we shall not be liable if for any reason the website is unavailable any time. Access to the website may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of systems failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond our control.


This website is governed by the laws of England and Wales. In the event of a dispute you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Complaints Handling Policy Statement

Loadsure Europe strives to have good relationships with its clients. That is why it is important to us that you are satisfied with the services we provide. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships.

Why does Loadsure Europe
have a complaints procedure?

To Loadsure Europe, a customer is part of an enduring relationship. We recognise that sometimes things can go wrong, or there may be times when a customer is disappointed or dissatisfied and needs to make a complaint. Please inform Loadsure Europe of this so that we can make every effort to resolve this and improve our services.

This procedure describes how you can submit a complaint and how Loadsure Europe deals with that complaint.

How can you submit a complaint?

If you are dissatisfied with any mediation activities of Loadsure Europe, for example, our advice, our administrative process or the approach of our staff, you can complain in a variety of ways; by letter, email, telephone or in person.


All complaints should be addressed to:


The Global Compliance Officer,

Loadsure Europe

Avenue Herrmann Debroux 54





You are always welcome to pass on any remarks or complaints to one of our other staff members, or to ask any questions. Please inform our staff of the insurance and policy number that your remark, complaint or question relates to. You may have already thought of a solution to resolve your complaint, if so, please inform us of that.

How will we deal
with your complaints?

Once we have received your complaint we will send you a prompt written confirmation of receipt. We will discuss your complaint internally with the responsible staff and, within two weeks, you will receive a reasoned reply from us. In this reply we will either offer redress or remedial action or reject the complaint and give reasons why.

If you do not agree with our point of view, you will have the opportunity to submit your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (Ombudsfin/Ombudsman van de financiële sector) in Brussels.

What is the Financial
Ombudsman Service?

It is an independent public institution that provides a free service for resolving disputes between consumers and financial institutions, such as banks, insurers, and investment firms. The Ombudsfin handles complaints related to various financial products and services, including banking, insurance, investment, and credit. If you have a complaint against a financial institution in Belgium, you can contact the Ombudsfin to seek resolution.


The address of the Financial Ombudsman Service (Ombudsfin/Ombudsman van de financiële sector) in Belgium is:



North Gate II

Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8, box 2

1000 Brussels



You can also contact them through their website or by phone. Their website is www.ombudsfin.be and their phone number is +32 2 545 77 70