One-click, per-load cargo insurance has come to Kleinschmidt’s FreightLaunch

Story by

Johnny Mccord

Tags /

  • COVID-19
  • Freight
  • Insurance

Rising car-truck crashes. Nuclear verdicts. Insurers fleeing a no longer profitable market. For folks like you, it’s been nearly impossible to escape the pinch of skyrocketing cargo insurance premiums.

And, as COVID demands that you operate more efficiently and cost-effectively to weather increasing economic uncertainty, you need to harness every available tool and resource at your disposal to survive.

Could insurtech help you protect against liability, preserve cash flow, and save time and money?

The short answer is yes—and it’s already here, thanks to our good friends at Kleinschmidt.

What is insurtech?

Insurance technology—or “insurtech”—leverages AI, predictive analytics, and automation to drive greater efficiency from insurance underwriting to claims processing.

How so?

In the case of Loadsure’s insurtech solution, we leverage cutting-edge tech to:

  • Automate underwriting and digitize purchasing—passing the savings on to you in the form of more affordable premiums
  • Underwrite risk more granularly than possible through manual means—giving you more accurate, near-instant quotes
  • Simplify and automate claims—accelerating claims resolutions and delivering you instant access to funds

What’s more, as load boards, freight marketplaces, and TMS’s offer this solution, you’ll be in the driver’s seat—empowered to take greater control of what you insure, and when, all with one click.

How can you purchase per-load cargo insurance?

If you’re a Kleinschmidt FreightLaunch user, it’s just become mindlessly easy.

That’s because our Loadsure API receives data directly from the Kleinschmidt FreightLaunch platform, providing instant, accurate quotes for each load—and all within your existing workflow.

No forms to complete. No extra steps. No calls to your insurance broker.

Have you ever bought a new iPhone or some sporty Ray-Bans online—and opted to add the protection plan to your purchase? Then you already know how this works.

Review your coverage and pricing options. Check a box. That’s it.

We’re expediting peace of mind

Like our friends at Kleinschmidt, we recognize the strain COVID has placed on freight brokers and carriers. The U.S. economy was massively disrupted. With HOS rules waived, drivers were—and are—stretched to the max. Private fleets moved into the spot market, and they’re often operating without the coverage critical to protecting you against loss.

And, now, as businesses increasingly attempt to reopen, we can expect to see a new wave of uncertainty as consumers react to spikes in COVID-19 cases.

Through it all, people, like you, are hurting. Not only is your work critical to the recovery effort, but you’re also trying to keep your own head above water—and perhaps support a family—at a time when many are out of work.

Protecting yourself and your business has never been more important.

By helping you cut your insurance costs by up to 5x and accelerating your claims settlements from an industry average 120 days to just minutes, we help put you on firmer financial footing.

At a time when so many are anxious about what the future holds, we’re grateful to join with our friends at Kleinschmidt in delivering some much-needed peace of mind.